Aktuelles von der Ha-Be Betonchemie und unseren Zusatzmitteln
Aktuelles von der Ha-Be Betonchemie und unseren Zusatzmitteln
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Ha-Be Middle East stellt innovative Zusatzmittel vor

Ha-Be Middle East informierte während der Konferenz „Concrete 4.0“ über Zusatzmittelinnovationen für Sichtbetone und Spezialanwendungen wie Schaumbeton und Fußbodenbau.
Die Konferenz wurde zum zweiten Mal ausgerichtet und lockte zahlreiche Teilnehmer namhafter Unternehmen nach Dubai. Lesen Sie dazu den kompletten Bericht unserer Niederlassung:

Ha-Be Middle East hosted the second edition of its “Concrete 4.0” conferences October 27, 2016. The conference was dedicated to decorative and special concrete solutions and attended by representatives of more than 30 companies covering sectors like ready mix, precast, block manufacturing, architecture, construction, consulting, and engineering.

All attendees were welcomed upon arrival and registration, moving then into the event space to enjoy canapes and beverages. Networking and mingling began immediately, with invited guests keen to meet each other. 

Klaus Hofmann, General Manager, opened the event and welcomed the guests emphasis-ing the importance of innovative solutions and techniques within the construction chemi-cals industry. Expressing his hope for further developments and cooperation, he passed on the stage to Birger Kruse, Regional Manager of Ha-Be Qatar.

And his opening could not have been any more sensational! Revealing that Tim Fuchs, Regional Manager of Ha-Be in UAE, will soon leave the country, he introduced himself as his successor, i.e. new Regional Manager of Ha-Be Middle East FZE.
He then provided the audience with some insights in the world of Ha-Be’s historical back-ground and products and services.

Following Birger Kruse’s second presentation about cellular lightweight concrete, Tim Fuchs moved to the lectern. He introduced Ha-Be’s recently developed solution for floor-ing construction and later on highlighted the benefits of Ha-Be’s PROTECT Line, in the wider context of surface protection systems.

Concluding the presentations, Marcel Paulitsch, Technical Manager, then moved to the stage to offer a platform for trends in decorative concrete solutions, such as exposed aggregates concrete for those participants active in in- & exterior design, architecture and planning.
He encouraged the audience to reinvent the building material: “Modern advancements have given us a variety of design options (…) concrete has not necessarily to be grey (…) colour it, stamp, texture, polish, or pattern it!” 

Birger Kruse brought the official part of the conference to a close, announcing the winner of the conference’s raffle and invited everyone for lunch to enjoy another opportunity for networking and gathering.

The “Concrete 4.0” is a series of conferences, providing a platform for industry profes-sionals to learn about recent developments within the industry and an opportunity to es-tablish contacts and to share ideas.

The transfer of admixture know-how, the promotion of innovative solutions and the devel-opment of cooperation especially are part of the “Concrete 4.0” conferences: „Ha-Be are renowned experts in concrete technology. We are keen to establish gateways to new solu-tions and act thereby as kind of  mediators between new technologies on the one, and the application thereof on-site on the other hand”, says Marcel Paulitsch.

Klaus Hofmann added: “Ha-Be and its customers enjoy a successful history of partnering in these fields. But still, further opportunities are to be tapped”, pointing to a combination of on-site trials and more conferences in 2017.

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